An Unlikely Management Mentor
Formation plays a foundational role in St. Josemaría Escrivá’s management style. Personal integrity matters just as much, if not more, as professional capability.
Co-Responsibility & The Laity
Through co-responsibility, the laity are invited to greater participation in Church governance.
Mission Matters
The Church has a unique mission established by Christ – one which unites the earthly and heavenly, the temporal and eternal, the human and the
The Church in the Time of Covid
The Church’s mission of evangelization does not disappear in the face of adversity; rather, it becomes all the more urgent. The Church cannot bide time
A New Course on Parish Finance
Our mission at the Global Institute of Church Management is to make Church Management education more accessible. We are thrilled to announce our first partnership
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Capstone Project Presentation - May 2022
Students at PCM continue to grow, learn and strengthen the Church, one project at a time.
The World Needs Transparency
This week’s events in Washington, D.C., have stunned not only the U.S. but observers around the world. I cannot but continue to underscore the need for
5 Things You Can Do to Support Transparency in the Catholic Church
You don’t need to be a financial expert to make a difference