Capstone Project Presentation - May 2022

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Students at PCM continue to grow, learn and strengthen the Church, one project at a time.

We are fast approaching the end of the 2021-2022 academic year. This is a special time for students at our flagship Program of Church Management, as it corresponds with the presentation of their Capstone Projects. These student-led initiatives demonstrate practical mastery of their new management skills by addressing a unique challenge in the student’s home diocese or congregation.

Every capstone is approved by the student’s ecclesiastical superior and focuses on filling an unmet need. The capstones are intended to be implemented upon the student’s return to their home community. These projects also help ensure the Program of Church Management continues to bear fruit long after the students finish their studies.

This week, we had five students present their projects:

  • Fr. Pawel Grzesiak is spreading the knowledge he learned at PCM to the Archdiocese of Warmia (Poland), creating a similar program for the clergy there.
  • Sr. Laura Perin, a Comboni Missionary Sister, is reorganizing the CMS General Treasurer Office. This includes a new organizational model for the general bursar’s office to improve the economic and financial administration of the Institute.
  • Rev. Fr. Andrewh Kamara is helping the Diocese of Makeni, Sierra Leone, develop its first workable Financial Policy. This includes the possible creation of an app to help with financial management, transparency and accountability.
  • Fr. Bonaventure Agbali, OP, is establishing an effective and functional Secretariat for the Dominicans in the Province of Nigeria. This project creates and implements an effective management structure to ensure better management of human and financial resources.
  • Stephen Oludare Ojo is focused on protecting the patrimony of the Archdiocese of Ibadan, Nigeria, and preserving it for future generations of the faithful. His plans include creating a committee specifically tasked with overseeing Archdiocesan land, leasing unused land and converting several large tracts into tree farms.

Capstone Project Presentation photos courtesy of the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross

Our students depend on encouragement from their community. Your prayers and support help them focus on developing the skills they need to serve the poor and bring Catholic social teaching to life. If you have not done so already, please follow GICM and the Program of Church Management on social media as we continue to grow, learn and strengthen the Church, one project at a time.

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